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The Compassionate Revolution of Grief and Grieving

I’m so excited! I just can’t hide it! I’m about to lose control, and I think I like it!” ~The Pointer Sisters

Have you ever felt like… I’ve waited my whole life to be exactly who I am, and now, here I am…? If so, you have an inkling of why my heart is beaming!

I’m not saying I’ve not been my authentic self, because most of the time, I’ve fought deeply to be just that.

It’s more that I’ve been told: “you’re too…” or “not enough…” - basically, that me being me was not OK. On the flip side of the same coin, I was told: “you can be anything you want to be”, and that the sole outcome of my life was/ is up to me. For me, that never fit all the way into a “yeah, that’s right”. Instead, that message felt somehow crooked. If no one liked my ideas, my ideas fell flat - they stopped. If no one liked me, I stopped - or at least, slowed down. I guess (to be perfectly sarcastic), I needed the woman that they talk about when people say “behind every good man there’s a woman”. I needed authentic support.

For many of us born into womanhood, we get that. And, for many of us who get that, we don’t completely feel like ourselves without the support of others.

Carol Gilligan spoke to this. She said that men go inward to ‘know thyself’, whereas women get to know themselves through the eyes of others. Either way, as we figure ourselves out, we all need support.

For years, I felt like I was alone with my ideas… like, when I shared them, they’d fall in the middle of a crowd like a gust of… nothing. They’d just disappear.

I started to see, 30…40 years later, that my ideas weren’t bad or “weird”, they were merely ahead of their time. Being ‘ahead of my time’ was not the honor it appears at first glance to be, though. Being ahead of my time meant I was alone. It was lonely. I was lonely. Deeply lonely.

I was also a high energy, deep feelings, passionate person. That combination didn’t bode well in a culture where women were “demure”. I said I was high energy, because I slowed down, calmed down. I’m not entirely sure if the culture or age subdued me, but… I sure do feel my energy coming back now. (Maybe it was the culture ;). I also said women were expected to be demure, because - thank the Goddess that be - that expectation and attitude is change-ing! And fast! Look at the bumper sticker philosophy paying homage to wild women. It’s fantastic!

Today, I’m feeling deeply joyful. Deeply… like, I’m pinching myself to make sure this is really happening.

I met two people who, when I said: “I love you, man! I’d like to collaborate with you” they each said: “yes”. This may sound ridiculously simple - like something unworthy of so much fuss - unworthy of these tears rolling down my face. Yet, the three of us intersect where revolutionary thinking, commitment, and Universal Love meet. This is a powerful intersection. We are a powerful trio. Now, finally, with these two men by my Zoom side, I am fully stepping into who I am. We are a love-force to be reckoned with… or, really… to be joined with!

When I met Jonas Cain, he used magic to show his brilliance. He got everyone in the room’s attention - (he definitely got my attention) - then pulled us all into the depth of goodness. He’s a good man. A downright, thoroughly good human being. I didn’t realize that I had lost trust - and that I could believe there are ‘good people’ - until I started to get to know Jonas. Jonas knows this about himself. He knows that he is the “Pursuer of Positivity” and the “Facilitator of Fascination”. Seriously - that’s what he calls himself.

And then there’s Richard Lamb. It took one conversation with Richard to know how he works. Richard dives in deep, to his own unfolding, in the present moment. There’s no reminiscing with Richard - only growth, right now. The man is as real as they come.

So, here we are! Three revolutionary thinkers, ready to help - whoever’s ready to climb aboard - move into a heart-felt future through a revolutionary course of study. Yes, we did it! We put together our first course, and we’re starting it - January 30, 2021.


Course 1: Releasing Stress, Healing Trauma, Accepting Loss, + Allowing Grieving

The world has become more + more broken for more + more people:

  • COVID-19, environmental crisis, political divide, a long-overdue increased awareness of social + racial injustice

  • all-time high levels of “diseases of despair” (addiction, depression, + suicide) due to loneliness, stress, trauma, + loss

There is no turning back. There is much to grieve. We all have much to grieve…

Yet, we lack cultural knowledge + support to enable us to embrace grieving:

  • as a way of life

  • synthesized with life

In this revolutionary online course, we will move past individualized, intellectual learning about the (NEW) study of Grief + Grieving - explore, experience, + internalize the tools necessary to embody grief as ‘sacred teacher’ - in a supportive container - and navigate Grief + Grieving together - with authenticity + compassion, within a “ Collective Conscious, Universal Friendship”

Sounds so good, right?! I am SO happy.

Stay tuned for more details…