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December: Open your Inner Vision to Looking Back

We have now entered the last Gregorian calendar month of the year 2019.  The time is ripe to open ourselves toward looking back.

What in this past year has added to you being who you are right now?

Take time this month to realize what a difference a year makes…

Reflect on what you were hoping 2019 would bring, what it did bring, and any discrepancy between the two.  What comes to mind? to heart?  What were the pain points? the joy points? the love points?  Breathe in and out as you listen to your thoughts, feel your emotions, become more aware of your body sensations - aware of all the parts of you - aware of the fullness of your life - the fullness of your breath - the fullness of being part of the Energetic Field.  Write down what comes to mind-heart-soul. Talk it out. Walk it through. Sit in meditation with it. Every day, choose a way to tune in to your parts - to your whole self - to your Wise Self.

Celebrate each accomplishment - large and small, external and internal. Take time to remember. Pad your emotional heart. Take time to feel a Smile emerge. to Laugh. to feel Joy. Begin the mantra I am grateful for - including what you have thought, felt and done this past year - and bring the mantra with you throughout your day(s). 

Honor an opportunity that presented itself - for you to learn, to grow, to emerge as you are. Honor your natural ability to be moved - to any degree - by that opportunity. Think of another opportunity. How many opportunities can you recall? How were you moved by each of them? How are you different than you were because of them ? These ‘opportunities’ often feel painful. Look deeper. They are more often hidden blessings. Take the time to bow your head to these blessings that have changed you.

Begin to soften to those parts that are holding on, holding out, and not yet ready to open to love and to peace. These are the next opportunities - the gifts waiting to be opened - given to you, so that you may become more and more of your authentic Self.

Be gentle with yourself.

You are exactly in the right place at the right time for your journey.