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Giving and Receiving

Last week I invited you to three amAzing classes, and promised that, as soon as the recordings were available, I’d pass them on to you. Well… true to my word, the recordings are all here!

The first class is “Mind-Body-Heart-Spirit Energy Medicine” with your very own Ami Ji Schmid. Ami has studied:

  • the mind (masters degree in Mental Health Counseling)

  • the body (degree in Occupational Therapy; over 40 years teaching exercise, dance, + expression through movement; creator of “Intuitive Touch Massage” + “Mind-Body-Spirit Integrated Healing”

  • the emotional heart (Hospice volunteer; Death Doula; Grief Counselor; Radical Self-Acceptance Coach)

  • the Energetic Spirit (over 40 years study, training, + experience in metaphysics, healing, + connecting with Source)

By the end of this 60-minute class, you’ll have cleared your mind, moved your physical body, softened your emotional heart, and reconnected with Source. We’ll reset our personal energetic bodies and the collective energetic field - back to peace (its natural state). And, you’ll receive helpful tools (to add to your wellness-prevention toolbelt) to keep you coming back to a calmer state throughout your day (remember to empty your glass ;). If you don’t feel grounded and lighter, and like you didn’t get a whole lot from this class, I’ll give you your money back! (Oh wait… this is free!!!)

The second offer is a workshop titled: “Breathing through times of Covid” with Louise Legouis. Louise recently retired from 20-years of working as an environmental energy engineer, and is now focusing on her (well over 20-years of) experience, study, and practice of personal energy systems. This workshop covers the anatomy of breathing, breathing exercises, and wisdom to help you connect the breath-body-spirit. Louise and this workshop are brilliant, and it’ll be well worth your time to watch this.

The third class is a “Pilates-Yoga Blend”, offered by Debora Tramposh. If you’ve ever wondered how to strengthen your core and stretch your physical body - in the safest possible format - look no further! Debora’s teaching style is clear and compassionate; her class, gently challenging. The woman’s been doing this for decades, and she’s got it down! Connect with your world by connecting with your physical body. You’ll feel more fit and will be proud of yourself for having done this class.

To watch all three classes in one fell swoop, click here.

For more information and/or to join Ami’s “Online Movement Group” (Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, 9-10 am eastern time) click here!