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Juice for Health! (part of the Florida Blog series)

Today was the second day of the rest of my healthy juicing life! It was not the 2nd consecutive day, just the 2nd time I've used my brand-spankin'-new juicer. I do not feel all-or-nothing about juicing and eating healthy, yet, though I feel it coming. At some point soon I will adhere to a strict period of being on a cleansing, healing, "no-cancer" diet.

Back when I was diagnosed with breast cancer (2006) I had a lumpectomy and left it at that. I clearly heard a message from within that I did not need "the next step": radiation therapy, so, I didn't do it. I did not feel chemotherapy was necessary either, nor hormone therapy. My breast doc who had done the surgery was mortified by my consistant lack of obvious respect for AMA protocol. "I keep repeating myself because obviously you don't understand what I'm saying." Seriously, those were his words. "This is a war and you have to fight it with all your guns.

" Those were his words too. I left his office one time & wanted to drink. Alcohol. Back then I didn't drink...ever. I believe that any man that drives you to drink should be left behind so, I fired him.

My beloved oncologist Letha Mills (who, oh by the way, deserves to have the ground she walks upon planted with soft, organic wheat grass) took over as my primary cancer-related doc. She wrote down the supplements I was taking when I saw Lynn August (of Health Equations in Newfane, VT), told me about the newest findings: that chemotherapy is unnecessary for estrogen-related cancers (such as mine was), and listened with interest when I told her I was going to see "John of God" (from Brazil). She even researched him after I left the office. That's my girl. Go team. I also got a PH-balancing, Jupiter Ionizer-water filter and a massage chair, did an "internal inventory" as to the original, meta-physical reason I got cancer in the first place, and studied and (mostly) adhered to a no-cancer diet. Yep, I was fighting my own peaceful battle and winning... until moving to Florida.

I do not have an Ionizer in Florida. Or a massge chair. In fact, I have been drinking Margaritas. And eating potatoes... and non-grass-fed meat... and carrot cake... and um, oreo-type (organic) cookies. (Yeah, it really doesn't matter that the cookies are organic; cancer thrives and grows in sugar & flour is just plain unhealthy for me).

It's been well over 5 years since the diagnosis. Five+ years of being cancer-free. I make a point of this because five years is a milestone; if you don't get cancer back in 5 yrs you're most likely not to. That's what the AMA says. But... I can feel when I'm not healthy, and I'm not. So it's time to be pro-active with my healing and precautionary with preventative maintenance. Thus the juicer.

My new juicer was christened on Monday with my friend Deborah. She was not as impressed as I, though, she did at least say "it's not horrible". I was impressed. And today, I am even more impressed. Today I juiced beet, celery, kale and cilantro and mixed that with powdered spirulina and 100% cacao. Chocolate is not on the no-cancer diet, in fact it's on the "don't eat this stuff" side of the diet. But... Somehow while in Florida I also developed a coffee habit. I stopped drinking coffee the end of last week. I had an ongoing headache through yesterday. Today I added cacao to my juice. It was good.

Let me say, in all honesty, that the first sip of my concoction was not yummy. I have become accustomed to Starbuck's mocha latte; need I say more. But...the second sip was yummy. And by the end of my yummy chocolate-spirulina-juice drink I felt good. Solid. Clear. Awake. Good.

So, that's it for now. Here's to a healthy & happy evening!