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Life: Loving, Breathing, Living Art

It’s a new year, and I randomly designated the first Sunday of every month as “Inspirational Sunday”!

I had forgotten this when I started waking into the day. I wanted to sleep more but my body wanted to move. So, I let it.

What happened was a body scan kind of meditation meets ecstatic dance. I placed my focus on relaxing the eye sockets, then the jaw… the skull, the skin off the bones… the bones in the neck… how the neck connects to the spine… hips, legs, feet, toes. My toes and fingers connected the parts between them, and my body began to dance with the mattress below, and sheets and blankets around it. Dancing with the air… like moving through honey… through water… through air… through sitting… through standing… through one room to the next.

My focus was no where in the vicinity of stretching out morning stiffness. It was dancing. Waking up felt like art. Moving in and out of the bathroom felt like art. Turning on water to boil felt like art. Filling the watering can to prep tomorrow’s watering-the-plants felt like art. Carrying the full laundry basket downstairs, squatting to throw each item of clothing into the washing machine, measuring laundry soap & pouring it it, closing the door till it clicked, turning the nob & pulling it out… every chore, every movement, every thought, every emotion - felt like art.

Spinning from that chore to this felt like connective art. Breathing felt like art.

Kenzy-cat is purring on my lap, stretching up to look at me while I type this. I stop to pet her. I look down and watch as she closes her eyes… feeling her furry skin move under my fingers. I listen to her “murp”, and hear the subtle sounds of the heat kicking on and the refrigerator kicking off. I hear the washing machine downstairs… cars on a distant street. Sky is a day blue and the clouds are white and purple-gray. My neighbor’s houses are colorful and angular. Barren trees and snow-topped roofs form a winter landscape. The air looks cold and I’m warm.

Being and breathing and experiencing life in this way feels like living inside a moving,art form.

Living inside art like this fills my emotional heart to the brim. to overflow. to tears of aesthetic beauty and appreciation. This feels like love. I think this is love.

When I slow down & tune in to the nuances of what’s happening right now, I’m tuning into love.

May you slow down. May you consciously enter your living-art-life. May you know love.