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Sailing Together

Worldwide, we’re all in the same boat. We always have been, really. Now, though, during this Covid-19 pandemic, it’s just more obvious how together we are.

Covid-19 is a ‘Dark Angel’ of sorts - an equalizer and unifier.

This threatening virus does not differentiate between the old, young, rich, poor, heavy, light, tall, short, muscular, flabby… gay, straight, polyamorous, monogamous, male, female, gender-fluid, housed or homeless. It doesn’t care what your political affiliation is. It pays no attention to what color skin you have, what country you live in, what your culture is, or what religious or spiritual path you follow. It is spreading silently and unseen, to anyone coming in contact with it, to every corner of our world. We are equally vulnerable.

Covid-19 is also bringing us together. People from every nook and cranny are opening their hearts to how to help each other - in homes, neighborhoods, states, countries, and across nations. More pets are being adopted; more birds are being heard. The Earth is being given a break, with less carbon dioxide being emitted into the air. People who can are getting out into Nature more - remembering our home-base, hugging trees, feeling the soil beneath our feet, and breathing the air in and out. We are being encouraged to hydrate - more often, bringing the energetic spirit of water into our bodies. We are being encouraged to eat fresh, healthy food - bringing the energetic spirits of live vegetables and fruits into our bodies. The connection between people, animals, plants, minerals, elements… is being explored more - more obvious, more palpable.

When I hear people say “I want things to get back to normal” or “…the way it was”, I think they’re missing the boat.

The norm of ‘the way it was’ was unsustainable. The planet has been suffering. That has been obvious, watching the rapid increase of contaminated water and air pollution, and of course, the effects of climate change. Animals have been suffering. That’s been obvious by watching the rapid decline and elimination of many, many species. People have been suffering. That has been obvious, watching the opioid epidemic and suicide rates rise. We even have a term now called ‘diseases of despair’. I don’t think that we - the human species - were moving in the best direction for all. I don’t think ‘the way things were’ was healthy.

Covid-19, like the 10-Plagues or ‘Noah’s flood, is a devastating opportunity for needed change. How do you envision a ‘new world’? How would you like to become part of the change? Yes, we’re all in the same boat. The question is, how do we want to steer it? Where do we want to go? What will we do with this opportunity?