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Every time I rise up, my sub-personalities make themselves known!

I’m preparing to teach an online class about Self-Love & Confidence. This is good subject matter for me to teach because - it’s what I’ve needed to learn & therefore worked on the most. And I like to teach!

There’s an insecure aspect to “The Teacher” - a twin of sorts, named “Perfectionist” - who’s worried that I’ll ‘mess up’ and look incompetent. What would happen then?! No one would want to work with you! You’d have no way to earn income… no way to allow Teacher to express herself! Perfectionist is quite dramatic & worries a lot. I’ve learned that what this smaller part of me needs is preparation. Preparation calms her down. I have prepped. She is calm.

Then, there’s “VERY EXCITED”. Very Excited has at least a few ‘siblings’ influencing her. One is “Missionary”. Missionary feels that the material being taught has been so effective - everyone should know about this! Another sibling is “Insecurity”. Insecurity shows up a lot. In this case, Insecurity is worried she won’t be seen and heard. She (mostly) believes that she’s got a lot to offer, but worries that not enough people recognize that. She wants to prove herself, and has been known to exaggerate what her abilities encompass. She thinks this will assure she’ll be seen & heard (even if what people see & hear isn’t completely honest). Another ‘sibling’ is “Compete-or-Die”. She’s pretty hard core, and I’m sorry to say, I shunned her for many years. She feels like she’s clawing her way to the surface to breathe - like she needs to compete to exist. I feel badly for her.

And then there’s the “Wise One”. Wise One is the benevolent parent to all the subs. She loves them all. She seems to know just what to say, too. She reminds Missionary that this material is not going to affect everyone the same. Wise One is a voice of reason - a reality check. Missionary calms down.

Wise One tells Insecurity that she has gifts. She tells her this as a solid proclamation, and says to acknowledge and own her gifts. Wise One also tells Insecurity to let go of what are not her gifts. Don’t try to be what you’re not. Don’t try to do what is not yours to do. Wise one is a humbling voice. It’s very calming for Insecurity to hear this. Wise One reminds Insecurity that that is someone else’s gift. Wise One tells Insecurity to honor and admire others’ gifts - and maybe to collaborate with them - not to compete with them. This is such a relief to Insecurity! She does NOT like feeling competitive. She is actually a love-bug.

Wise One is such a big help. I love her. I love them all, really. They’re all a part of me, after all. And, that’s what Self-Love is about - loving all the parts of one’s self. Being a whole, loving me.